However, technology can be a double-edged sword. Given how easy it has become to start and carry on an affair in this day and age where virtual affairs are dominating the landscape of infidelity and making a clean break from past romantic interests just isn’t realistic anymore, it would be naive to believe that you can truly cheat-proof your relationship. Another research on extramarital sex in the 21st century, 13% of women reported cheating on their spouses at some point in their lifetime. That’s perhaps why we see a spike in cases of infidelity, with at least 70% of married couples in the US getting involved in some kind of affair during the course of their marriage. It’s true that technology has made cheating easier than ever before. 5 Tips To Cope When Your Wife Is Caught Cheating.Catch a cheating wife with her cell phone
So, brace yourself to find out how to catch a cheating wife. Sometimes what needs to be done, needs to be done.

But the alternative is living with mistrust, which is no better really. What if it’s all for nothing? What if your suspicions are unfounded? How would you live with yourself afterward? These dilemmas are bound to weigh on your mind. On the other, there is the guilt of intruding on her privacy. On the one hand, you have to brace yourself for the heart-breaking realization that your wife has violated your trust and the vows of marriage. Whatever your reasons, this journey cannot be an easy one to embark on. Or maybe you need solid proof of the transgression before you confront her. Perhaps, you’re in denial and want to negate your suspicions by digging deeper.

Maybe, you see clear signs that your spouse is being unfaithful or something about her behavior makes you suspicious. If you’re looking for ways to catch a cheating wife, chances are there is already trouble in your marital paradise.